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Nurturing artistic dreams: Reflections from a 2-day Theatre in Palm project meeting

After the first full year of Theatre in Palm in action, it was time for the project members to gather together, reflect on the past and plan for the future. We were hosted by our Italian partner E35 Foundation in the beautiful city of Reggio Emilia in the northern Italy. On the morning of the first day, we asked everyone to share their thoughts, dreams, and aspirations, illuminating the essence of their journey so far. Let’s delve into the insightful comments and reflections that emerged during this conversation.

Guardian angels in the world of art

“We can be guardian angels to our artists. But we are like snow angels; we have to do it again and again.” These words echoed through the room, emphasizing the commitment and dedication of the project members. Like snow angels that appear and disappear with each snowfall, their support for artists is needed to be unwavering and continuous.

Creating connections and opportunities

Amidst a landscape where budget cuts to culture and education are prevalent, the project was seen as a beacon of hope. “We are creating connections and opportunities in a time when budget cuts to culture and education happen everywhere. Our work is very important.” These words highlighted the project’s significance in providing a lifeline to artists and cultural professionals who often struggle to find resources and platforms.

Workshopping during the first day.

Fostering dialogue and fair compensation

It is hugely important to address the critical issue of fair compensation for artists. “How to allow and ensure fair pay to artists and get them the financial recognition while creating something poetic” was a question that underscored the project’s commitment to supporting artists both creatively and financially.

A joyful bunch based on trust

“We are a joyful bunch. We deal with issues constructively and we trust each other.” This sentiment of camaraderie and trust among participants was palpable. It was evident that a supportive and collaborative environment was essential for achieving the project’s goals.

Intense work continued on the second day at a cooperative space in an renovated industrial space in Viale Ramazzini 33 .

Learning and growing together

Working together highlights the transformative power of collaboration. What initially seemed like a fun way to meet new people has evolved into something much deeper. “The best part is to learn from other people new ways of thinking, points of view, and ending up changing practices.” This shift in perspective underlined the potential for personal and professional growth through meaningful connections.

A greater purpose

“I´m looking forward to see the full potential of the project to flourish. Especially the Theatre Movements have made small local theatre companies visible and we have helped them grow.” Our project is not only supporting emerging artists but also contributing to the growth and visibility of smaller theatre companies.

Visiting a Spazio Gerra, a local art hub.

The 2-day project meeting was a testament to the passion and dedication of those working in the project. It revealed a collective commitment to supporting emerging artists, nurturing creativity, creating connections and addressing the challenges faced by the arts community. As this platform project evolves, it should act as a guiding light for the emerging theatre artists; offering them a view through a window to the sea — a horizon filled with opportunities. And most importantly, we cannot let these artists drown in that sea but help them navigate the waters of artistic expression with unwavering support and dedication.

Thank you everyone who has been part of the journey so far! We have so much still to come and create!


Text and photos: Anne Nenonen