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"Celebrating the glorious uncertainty of indefinite possibilities" - artists' journey from Lisbon

Rehearsing NO EXIT. Photo by Hrant Khachatryan
NO EXIT is a play by JÁ International Theatre in Lisbon. It was running for 2 weeks during June 7-17, 2023 at the Museu Nacional de Historia Natural in Lisbon. The play was loosely inspired by the scenarios conjured up by Sartre’s NO EXIT and Goethe’s ELECTIVE AFFINITIES. In the play 3 people with chequered pasts find themselves in an exitless room, forced to confront their ghosts. They are sucked deeper and deeper into the dark spirals of an increasingly desperate version of truth or dare. You can read more about the intriquing piece in this review of the play that appeared in local media. Congratulations JÁ International Theatre for your great work!
This production was a great example of how emerging artists are embarking on the Theatre in Palm journey, travelling from one experience to the next. Making connections and getting new opportunities. In addition to most of the staff being emerging artists, two of the NO EXIT cast were part of the Digital Residency work back in February 2023: Catarina Rebelo Guerra (playing the Attendant) and Georgia Beckman (assistant director). They were both also actively part of the Theatre Academy work during the JÁ Fest in April 2023. Catarina and Georgia are both changing careers to theatre. We wish them both luck and want to encourage them to continue finding their way with the help of Theatre in Palm project!
Interesting fact: the play’s director Suresh Nampuri found the lovely ambient music to the play (Natas e Manteiga) by the Finnish artist Aino Venna, in the course of a free wheeling conversation with a Finnish puppetry artist Maiju Tainio who was visiting the JÁ Fest as a VIP mentor for some workshops. To quote Suresh (who is an active and valued member of our project team):
“These wonderful connections happen in TIP despite our planning.
It is all about celebrating the glorious uncertainty of indefinite possibilities.”
Well said! Keep up the good work!