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European Theatre Movement: NOUSUT Festival 1.-3.9.2023

Tehdas Teatteri, Rantakatu 64 B, Turku, Finland

NOUSUT Festival is a celebration and a platform for new theatre makers to take off, create interesting performances supported by well merited theatre professionals. The festival is organized as part of the Theatre in Palm project (Theatre Movement) by Turku Arts Academy and Turku based theatre Tehdas Teatteri.

This year the festival gives the stage to 3 different, new and intriguing original pieces, all created by this year´s Turku Arts Academy graduates. Click the name of the performance to see a recording of the performance:

  • Ella Jokela´s ISOSISKO (Big Sister) is a story about sisters, expectations and ever so good girls.
  • Isa Kortekangas brings on stage a visual and movement based story ILPO AND AUKUSTI about syblings and an adult who turns into a child when facing immense fear and grief, leaving the kids to be parents to one another.
  • Eveliina Mäkitalo explores the classic story of JEKYLL & HYDE by means of puppetry, pondering what evil is at the end of the day.
Jekyll & Hyde

NOUSUT is a unique festival born out of the need and desire to connect emerging theatre artists with the already established theatre makers. It plays an important part in the Turku Arts Academy´s curriculum for theatre art studies offering the first year students a place to immerse themselves to the local theatre scene and at the same time, giving the graduating students a chance to shine and find audiences to their work.

The festival takes place in Tehdas Teatteri. More info and the tickets (in finnish): Nousut 2023

Welcome to discover and enjoy this unique experience!