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European Theatre Lab: Vladimir Bouchler Master Class “Interdisciplinary Dialogue method”

Stockholm, Sweden

Intercult invites all interested performing artists to a unique opportunity to participate in a one- or two-day character workshop on 17.-18.1.2023 in Stockholm.

The Master Class is led by a well-known and experienced theater educator,
Professor Vladimir Bouchler – Artistic Director of the European Theater
and Film Institute and educator of acting and directing in theater and
film, with a long track record of working with famous actors in and
outside of Europe.

The workshop will focus on how to physically embody character and work with style and space. The unique method
“Interdisciplinary Dialogue” is based on a combination of:

  • Theater techniques developed by, among others, Mikhail Chekhov and Etienne
  • Brilliant discoveries of 20th century psychology studies.
  • Application of Fine Art analyze while creating a style of performance.

More detailed information about this Master class can be found in Intercult web page for the event.